Welcome Community Church is a new church in the northwest suburbs of Brisbane. We are a diverse group of people of all ages and backgrounds who have discovered the joy of following Jesus and belonging to a community of people with whom we share our journey of life and faith. Come and join us as we meet together, grow, share meals, have fun, and share God’s love with our wider community.
We seek to express God’s love for our local community by encouraging connection and providing input and activities that add value to people’s lives, relationships, and families. Check out our main activities below and click on an area you find interesting to learn more.
Join us at 4:00pm on Sundays at 38 Woking Street, Mitchelton, for a contemporary worship service that finishes ~5:15pm followed by tea, coffee and snacks or a monthly dinner together. Toddlers and infants are welcome in the service, and a dedicated play area is provided. During the service, there is a children’s program in the Hall for those between 3 and 10 years of age. We meet in the venue of Grovely Christian Community Church who graceously make it available to us on Sunday afternoons.
Church isn’t a building, it’s the people and our relationship with God and one another.